PC "Aliuminio konstrukcijos" was established in 1995 by A. Olekas.

  • 95 people work in our company
  • Working space area is equal to 7000 m2
  • Administrative facilities area is equal to 600 m2
  • Our company holds a certificate, issued by the ministry of the preservation of the environment of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • "Aliuminio konstrukcijos" is a member of the Lithuanian builder association.
Provided services:
  • Technical handling of projects
  • Project management
  • Cooperating with the customer at the working site
  • Production preparations and supplying
  • Production
  • Constructing and supporting
  • Monitoring and support
  • ***********

  • Manufacturing and selling of tin sheets
  • Production and trade of ALPOLIC composite material products
  • Bending of aluminium profiles
  • Prokating rink of tin sheets and compositive materials
  • Powder painting services (product length up to 7 meters)

Our credo is quality and for this reason we try to accomplish each task perfectly.